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a couple of months later

Category: Photo
27 Jun 2012
Written by Andy

I've now spent almost 3 months on my 365 project, and the blog entries on my site are slipping....  I've missed photos a couple of days, but made sure I've shot an extra picture or two to make up.  I'm still struggling for inspiration, but have taken to going for walks at lunch time and seeing what finds me.

It is amazing how much wildlife I've seen, and how I'm now keeping my eyes much more open.  This week, I sat down with my lunch by a couple of swans, who'd swum over to investigate me, then had a good old preen.  In the shallows of the river, small shoals of fish darted about, and in the air, damselflies darted about. 

Today, when I walked back to there again, I didn't see the swans, but across the river was a whitecap, a little warbler that I dont think I've ever come across before.  I ventured further down the footpath by the river, and spotted the swans, who once again swum over to greet me.  Suddenly there was the call of a slightly enraged moorhen from the river, just a couple of feet away, and it darted across the river.  Glancing down, I spotted that it had left its nest on the rivers edge with about 9 eggs in it.  Not wishing to disturb it any further, I beat a hasty retreat, and came to a hedgerow. 

This hedgerow was positively teaming with life, as some fledgling long-tailed tits practiced their flying and perching skills, while chattering about what they were up to.  All this, just a few minutes walk from my office

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