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Update - Caravan heating mods

Category: Caravanning
10 Sep 2018
Written by Andy Hits: 2848

I found the real cause for poor performance on the heat vent in the bedroom.

I did what I should have done first before modifying things.  Traced the duct all the way back between the bedroom, under the caravan, back inside under the oven, beneath the fridge and to the heater.
Under the oven was a plywood plate held in by 2 screws, with the back pipework for the bathroom vent, and the duct that leads to the bedroom.  On a slight whim, I removed this panel to prove where these pipes went, and this is what I found:

Disconnected Heating Duct

Needless to say, once I popped the duct back together, and set the fan to circulate, air started coming out of the new vents at quite some speed compared to before.  Ah well, it's all progress, and lesson learned to double check things, before buying parts.

But all parts are fitted for the supplementary fans, and is fully wired in now, using yellow/white for positive and orange/white for negative, matching the colours of the 12v sockets circuit I borrowed a feed from:

The fan controller box looks like this, before wires were connected and the top cover fitted:

Fully Fitted:

I glued some spare wood effect flooring to re-inforce about the hole where the new vent went:

On the outside:

And after:

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